Legal review of generic brands registered in Colombia recognized to the same solicitor




propiedad industrial, marca mixta, signo genérico, distintividad, clasificación NIZA, competencia, consumidor, mercado, Superintendencia de industria y Comercio


The Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio (SIC in spanish) as the entity that verifies trademarks registration, must check when the registration of a trademark may lack distinctiveness and has a generic nature. This article will follow the analysis and procedures that have been settled through jurisprudentiall by the SIC, asking the question: What is it? However, analyzing the Resolutions which give or reject generic brands to the same person, the following questions arise: The SIC made the analysis necessary to reach the expected conclusion? Interpreted the rule according to the precedent of the legal tools for consultation?


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How to Cite

Vinasco Marín, J. D. . (2020). Legal review of generic brands registered in Colombia recognized to the same solicitor. Precedente Revista Jurídica, 16, 9-33.