Rumo a um modelo de usuário standard para sistemas de saúde personalizados


  • Carolina Rico Olarte Universidad del Cauca, Popayán
  • Edwar Javier Girón Buitrón Universidad del Cauca, Popayán
  • Gineth Magaly Cerón Ríos Universidad del Cauca, Popayán
  • Diego Mauricio López Gutiérrez Universidad del Cauca, Popayán



Modelo de usuário, sistemas personalizados, promoção da saúde, atividade física e dieta saudável.


A definição de um modelo de usuário é o suporte para a personalização nos sistemas informáticos. Para um sistema personalizado de saúde, que apoia a promoção de hábitos e estilos de vida saudáveis, em particular a atividade física e dieta saudável; é proposto um modelo de usuário em conformidade com a norma ISO/TR 14292 para os PHR Personal Health Record). A descrição do modelo de usuário standard inclui: uma caracterização do modelo de usuário; o modelo de usuário proposto de acordo com a norma ISO; as relações e inferências do modelo de usuário; e uma arquitetura de referência para o sistema a ser desenvolvido. Finalmente, é implementado um protótipo com um pequeno conjunto de dados e são desenhados alguns possíveis mockups, como apoio à arquitetura proposta.

Biografia do Autor

  • Carolina Rico Olarte, Universidad del Cauca, Popayán

    Engineering in Electronics and Telecommunications student from the Universidad del Cauca, Colombia, with expertise in software development and personal health records (PHR), and particular interest in knowledge management from ICT. Currently she is working with personalized systems habits and promoting healthy lifestyles.

  • Edwar Javier Girón Buitrón, Universidad del Cauca, Popayán

    Engineering in Electronics and Telecommunications student from the Universidad del Cauca, Colombia, qualified in classification techniques, gamification and data processing, and particular interest in KDD processes and gamification in education and health. Currently he is working with custom systems habits and promoting healthy lifestyles.

  • Gineth Magaly Cerón Ríos, Universidad del Cauca, Popayán

    Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering, Master in Telematics Engineering and candidate to Ph.D. in Telematics Engineering of the Universidad del Cauca, Colombia. His areas of interest are the telematic services, cloud services and software product quality. She is currently a researcher at the line of e-Health in the development of projects to promote habits and healthy lifestyles supported in ICT, and modeling and implementation of personalized systems to health.

  • Diego Mauricio López Gutiérrez, Universidad del Cauca, Popayán


    Electronics and Telecommunications Engineer (1999) and Master in Telematics (2005) from the Universidad del Cauca, and Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences area for Health Information (2008), University of Regensburg, Germany. Since 2000 he has been professor of the Department of Telematics at the Universidad del Cauca, where he leads the research in computer and telecommunications applied to health (e-health). He is a member of the Board of the HL7 Colombia Foundation. He has participated and worked as reviewer and member of the program committee of conferences and journals in the area of e-health and has published more than 60 papers in journals and national and international conferences. His main areas of interest are interoperability and information systems architectures, software development processes, standards in e-health, information systems in public health and mobile health (m-Health).


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