Monitoramento remoto e controle baseados em tecnologia sem fio para a operação da máquina de irrigação de pivô central


  • Lianet Avello Fernández Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de las Villas
  • Eduardo Izaguirre Castellanos Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de las Villas
  • Manuel Luciano Vidal Díaz Instituto de Investigaciones de la Caña de Azúcar (INICA)
  • Alain S. Martínez Laguardia Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de las Villas
  • Luis Hernández Santana Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de las Villas



Supervisão remota, máquina de irrigação de pivô central, Autômato programável, tecnologia sem fio


A disponibilidade de recursos hídricos para a agricultura é uma preocupação crescente do planeta. As novas tecnologias de automação e as comunicações oferecem um conjunto de soluções para a coleta e análise de informação que permite a tomada de decisões em sistemas de irrigação agrícola modernos. Têm sido dados passos importantes na automação de sistemas de irrigação, focados na determinação das necessidades adequadas de água nas culturas, o que afeta positivamente a poupança de fontes de energia e recursos hídricos, bem como o aumento da produtividade. No presente trabalho, é proposto um sistema de controle e supervisão em tempo real, o que permite a operação e o monitoramento remoto de máquinas de irrigação de pivô central. Para isso, são utilizados um autômato programável e tecnologia de comunicação sem fio, de acordo com os requisitos e características associadas ao contexto de aplicação agrícola.

Biografia do Autor

  • Lianet Avello Fernández, Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de las Villas

    Automation Engineer from the Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas [UCLV] (Cuba, 2016). She is professor at the Department of Automation and Computational Systems (Electrical Engineering Faculty, UCLV). He belongs to the Automation, Robotics and Perception Group [GARP] since 2016, where she researches about automation of irrigation systems with applications in precision agriculture. He has participated in several national and international events related to that subject 

  • Eduardo Izaguirre Castellanos, Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de las Villas

    Doctor in Sciences (2012) y Master in Automation (1997). He is professor at the Automation Department (Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas [UCLV]. His experience includes nine years working for the industrial sector in Cuba and more than twenty-five years as a teacher in the UCLV. He has published several papers in high impact journals and participated in international scientific events. He has won several provincial CITMA awards and one national ACC. He belongs to the Automation, Robotics and Perception Research Group [GARP], where he researches in the modeling, simulation and control of mechatronic systems and automation with applications in precision agriculture and irrigation systems. He is a reviewer of several international scientific journals

  • Manuel Luciano Vidal Díaz, Instituto de Investigaciones de la Caña de Azúcar (INICA)

    Agronomy Engineer and Doctor in Technical Sciences from the Universidad Central de Las Villas [UCLV] (Cuba). He carries out his scientific work in the specialty of irrigation, thematic area in which he has extensive experience. He worked as Director of the Sugar Cane Research Territorial Station [ETICA] of Villa Clara (Cuba). He currently works at the National Institute of Sugar Cane (INICA), as head of department and researching in issues related to precision agriculture applied to cane cultivation 

  • Alain S. Martínez Laguardia, Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de las Villas

    Engineer in Automation and Master in Telematics from the Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas [UCLV] (Cuba, 2001 and 2005, respectively), with a Ph.D., in Engineering (Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium and the UCLV, 2015). Since 2001 he is a member of the Automation and Computer Systems Department of the UCLV, where he is currently a full professor and head of the department. He teaches in several fields of the computer-programming discipline. Founder of the Automation, Robotics and Perception Group, since 2003 he has been researching the design of embedded systems and the development and application of autonomous vehicles. He has participated in several international research projects

  • Luis Hernández Santana, Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de las Villas

    Engineer in Control-Automation and Doctor in Technical Sciences from the Universidad Central de Las Villas [UCLV] (Cuba), institution where he is a professor of the Department of Automation and Computer Systems. He is the Scientific Responsible for the Automation Robotics and Perception Group [GARP]. He conducts research about guidance and control of autonomous vehicles and in topics of precision agriculture, including: automatic irrigation systems, automation of agricultural machinery and use of unmanned aerial vehicles in crop monitoring. Also, he leads research projects related to precision agriculture 


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