Token-Based Authentication Techniques on Open Source Cloud Platforms


  • Amit Banerjee South Asian University
  • Mahamudul Hasan


Mobile cloud computing; open source cloud; authentication; accountability; confidentiality; integrity


Cloud computing is a service-oriented computational platform that allows on-demand  resource provisioning for low-cost application deployment.   However, security and privacy of the users is a major concern for the cloud service provider, particularly  for applications handling users personal information (health record, GPS location) or performing financial transactions. Authentication is an important security  measure  for establishing accountability and authorization of the users, is often a prerequisite for accessing cloud-based services. In this paper, we mainly focus on the token-based authentication techniques, supported by popular open source cloud platforms [OSCPs], like  Cloudstack, OpenStack, Eucalyptus and OpenNebula. In general, most OSCPs support the basic text-based user authentication. Other techniques,  such as biometrics, gesture and image, can also be implemented on OSCPs. However, in this paper, we choose to discuss the token-based authentication, as it allows users to gain access to multiple cloud services with a single sign-on (SSO). Moreover, token’s can be shared among multiple users for accessing cloud-based services.

Biografia do Autor

  • Amit Banerjee, South Asian University

    Associated with South Asian University (New Delhi, India) as an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science, since 2011. He received Ph.D. degree from the Department of Computer Science at National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan) in 2009. He served as an engineer in the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) in Taiwan between 2009 to 2011. His research interest include: cloud computing, IoT, network security, mobile ad-hoc and sensor networks. He is a member of IEEE.

  • Mahamudul Hasan

    Received his master’s degree in computer science from the Department of Computer Science of the South Asian University [SAU] (New Delhi, India) in 2013. Currently, he is a PhD student in the same department in SAU. Earlier, he received B.Sc. (Engineering) in Computer Science and Telecommunication Engineering from Noakhali Science and Technology University [NSTU] (Bangladesh). His research interest includes mobile computing, cloud computing, IoT, network security. He is also serving as a Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science and Telecommunication Engineering of NSTU. He received prestigious ICT and Bangabandhu fellowship from the Bangladesh Government for PhD and master’s studies, respectively.


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