Towards an automatic detection system of sports talents: an approach to Tae Kwon Do


  • Román Alcides Lara Cueva Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas, Sangolquí
  • Alexis Darío Estévez Salazar Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas, Sangolquí


Tae Kwon Do; machine learning; wrapper; embedded; decision tree; support vector machine.


Tae Kwon Do is a Korean martial art included as an Olympic sport, where several tools have been developed from the engineering point of view,mainly focused on improving the capacity of the athletes. Nevertheless, there is a breach in the selection process of high performance athletes. For this reason, this research was focused on developing a system based on the information of the classification for the athletes in the Tae Kwon Do Ecuadorian Federation by using the wrapper and embedded modes and the Decision Tree and Support Vector Machines machine learning algorithms. These algorithms and modes were used to assess the different factors considered in this classification. The main contribution of this work is to provide a support system for the selection of these athletes.

Biografia do Autor

  • Román Alcides Lara Cueva, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas, Sangolquí

    Ph.D Engineer in Electronics and Telecommunications from the Escuela Nacional Politécnica (Quito-Ecuador, 2001); Master in Wireless Systems and Related Technologies from the Politecnico di Torino (Italy, 2005); Master and PhD., in Telecommunication Networks for Developing Countries from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid-España, 2010/2015). He joined the Department of Electrical Engineering of the Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas [ESPE] (Sangolquí-Ecuador) in 2002 and is a full professor since 2005. He has participated in more than ten research projects developed with public funds (five of them as main researcher). His main areas of interests are: digital signal processing, smart cities, wireless systems and automatic learning theory.

  • Alexis Darío Estévez Salazar, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas, Sangolquí

    Candidate to Engineer in Electronics and Telecommunications at the Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas [ESPE] (Sangolquí-Ecuador). In 2017 he joined to the Sistemas Inteligentes research group as assistant researcher. He completed the Cisco Certified Network Associate Fast Track courses and is candidate to CISCO certification. Actually is black belt –first dan– in Tae Kwon Do and coach of formative schools in this sport. His main areas of interest in research are machine learning and design of low cost technology related to sports.


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