Ferramenta de monitoramento da qualidade da água e aviso de risco de inundação


  • Armando Rodríguez Rodriguez Universidad de Pinar del Río
  • José R. Vento Álvarez Universidad de Pinar del Río
  • Jorge Garrido González Universidad de Pinar del Río
  • Vicente Rodríguez Benitez Universidad de Pinar del Río




Sensores, controle de qualidade da água, potabilidade, Arduino, condutividade elétrica, turbidez.


Em julho de 2010, a Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas reconheceu o direito humano à água e ao saneamento, reafirmando que o acesso a água potável limpa é essencial para a realização de todos os direitos humanos. Portanto, controlar a qualidade da água deve ser uma prioridade. Neste contexto, é interessante realizar um sistema simples, sustentável e de baixo custo que facilite o controle dos parâmetros de qualidade da água. O objetivo geral deste trabalho é projetar e implementar um sistema de monitoramento da qualidade da água em redes de distribuição para a população ou outros cenários onde seja necessário analisar a potabilidade da mesma. Além disso, incorpora um sistema de alerta para a possível inundação de reservatórios em áreas baixas ou áreas de interesse geral. Possui uma interface de comunicações móveis, suportada na rede GSM, GPRS e 3G, para o envio de sinais de monitoramento e alarme. 

Biografia do Autor

  • Armando Rodríguez Rodriguez, Universidad de Pinar del Río

    Engineer in Telecommunications and Electronics from the University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saiz Montes de Oca" [UPR] (Cuba, 2017). He is a professor in the Department of Telecommunications and Electronics of the Faculty of Technical Sciences of the UPR since 2017. He has taught subjects related to analog electronics and power supplies. His research areas are: process automation, demotic control systems and fiber optic sensors.

  • José R. Vento Álvarez, Universidad de Pinar del Río

    He was born in Pinar del Rio (Cuba) on November 25, 1958. He is a Telecommunications Engineer from the Instituto Superior Politécnico "José Antonio Echeverría" (CUJAE) (Havana, Cuba, 1982). He received his Master in Telecommunications Networks (1996) and his degree as Doctor of Telecommunications Engineering (1998) from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain). He is a professor in the Department of Telecommunications and Electronics of the Faculty of Technical Sciences of the Universidad de Pinar del Rio since 1990. He has taught subjects related to telecommunications networks, telematics and optical communications and has been tutor of several degree projects (Engineering and Master and PhD in Telecommunications).His research areas of interest are: fiber optic sensors and control systems on the Internet of Things [IoT].

  • Jorge Garrido González, Universidad de Pinar del Río

    Engineer in Telecommunications and Electronics and Master of Science - New Technologies Applied to Education. He is an assistant professor at the Department of Information Technology of the Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saiz Montes de Oca" (Cuba) and member of the Provincial Council of the Unión de Informáticos de Cuba (Pinar del Río). His areas of professional interest are: developing applications with C # programming language, programming for Arduino devices and automated systems.

  • Vicente Rodríguez Benitez, Universidad de Pinar del Río

    Telecommunications and Electronics Engineer from the Universidad de Pinar del Rio [UPR] (Cuba, 2011); and Master in Telecommunications Systems (2014). He is an assistant professor, responsible for the discipline of Electronics at the UPR. He teaches the subjects of Electronic Measurements, Electronic Simulation Tools and Mathematical Assistant for Engineering (Matlab). His lines of research are: digital signal processing, creation of automated systems (home automation and Internet of Things) on the Arduino platform, image processing and study and creation of new sensors for process control.


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Original Research