Empowerment, Decolonialization and Substantive Democracy: Refining Ethical-political Principles for the Afro-American Diaspora
Decolonialization, Substantive Democracy, Diasporic PerspectiveAbstract
This article, focused on analyzing the struggles of Afro–descendent populations, highlights the need to formulate clear answers to a series of key questions: What should the role of Afro–descendents and their demands be in the new politics of decolonialization and liberation? How do their demands fall within projects for the democratization of 'democracy' in different spheres of justice? How should the gains achieved through the emergence of a sphere of Afro–descendent racial politics and through the spaces opened both nationally and transnationally be combined with grassroots organizing strategies and demands aimed at radical reforms for a more just and equitable society? As a way of addressing these questions, the first part of the text explores the historical significance of the Afro–American Diaspora. The second part briefly discusses the ethical–political principles of decolonialization, democracy and liberation from the perspective of the historical centrality of the subjects of modern Africania. Finally, the third section proffers some practical observations on the implications of colonial diasporic perspectives, both at the level of public policy as well as that of theory and politics of Afro–descendent social movements.
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