María and El Alférez Real: from Jorge Isaacs to Eustaquio Palacios. Following in the footsteps of a patriarchal and bourgeois narrative in Valle del Cauca




María, Alférez Real, XIX century, Valle del Cauca and Colombian literature


This article aims to analyze and describe both the presence and meaning of the agrarian bourgeoisie in Cauca Valley and the moral and economic values inherent  to it. María and El Alférez Real, the two most representative regional novels of the nineteenth century, are the ideal inquiry scenario; not only because they are foundational of the literature of the south-west of Colombia, but also because they reflect the tensions and ambiguities typical of the post-independence period, which was torn between pretension  to freedom and an ongoing colonial mentality.


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Author Biography

  • Alejandro Alzate, Universidad Católica, Cali (Colombia)

    Comunicador social y periodista de la Universidad Autónoma de Occidente (Colombia). Magíster en Literatura Colombiana y Latinoamericana de la Universidad del Valle (Colombia). Doctor en Literatura por la Universidad de Navarra (España). Profesor en la Universidad San Buenaventura Cali (Colombia) y en la Universidad Católica  (Colombia).



How to Cite

Alzate, A. (2018). María and El Alférez Real: from Jorge Isaacs to Eustaquio Palacios. Following in the footsteps of a patriarchal and bourgeois narrative in Valle del Cauca. Revista CS, (26), 145-170.