Environmental Memory: From the Modern Mnemonic Subject to the Anthropocene
Social Memory, Environmental Memory, Anthropocene, Cultural LandscapeAbstract
This paper proposes a review of the environmental memory concept to articulate the notions of body and environment inherited from modernity, with perspectives coming from the anthropocenic turn. The article proposes a bibliographic review of the postulates and subjects that inform about the mnemonic practices having the environment as their object. The research aims to conceptually discuss the meanings of environmental memory, we propose four ways to understand the phenomenon: memories of national nature, cultural landscapes, ecological memories, and memories of the Anthropocene. The first three are built on the prevalence of the distinction between subject and nature, while the latter reflects the colonial epistemologies that have managed to separate society from environment. With this in mind, we defend that environmental memory should be enclosed in the ontological speculation efforts that characterize Anthropocene research, as part of the environmental humanities.
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