The Embroidery Circle as a Feminist Research Method
Textile Arts, Social Research, South America, Psychology, Women’s ParticipationAbstract
With this article, I report on the research process developed in the study Between embroidering and being women: inhabit the body through threads. There, I aimed to understand the ways in which collective embroidery becomes a feminist practice and a way of inhabiting the body by embroiderers from the southwest area of Abya Yala. To incorporate embroidery in the creation of knowledge, I used the Digital Embroidery Circle as a method; it enabled me to unstitch structured and hegemonic methods, integrate geographies and affections, undo the embroidering of research and embroider it with my own threads. The use of textile materials to conduct feminist research became an innovative exercise; it challenges the social sciences to propose interdisciplinary and embodied studies that cross borders and allow knowing the experiences of people and communities through their chromatics, spatialities, rhythms, and movements.
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