Co-authorship Networks and Scholarly Books: A Methodological Approach from a University Press Case Study
Scholarly Books, University Press, Co-authorship Networks, Bibliometrics, Social Network AnalysisAbstract
This article contributes to bibliometric studies of scholarly book publishing by showing the co-authorship networks in the case of a university press. It uses social network analysis attributes associated with integrity and centrality metrics to, on the one hand, characterize the interaction in the network as a whole, and on the other hand, to identify the authors who play an important role within it. For this purpose, a database with 989 authors was built, it structures a network of 9656 links between co-authors distributed in 188 books published between 2007 and 2021 by Editorial Universidad Icesi. The main results are of two types: methodological ones that seek to present this study as a replicable model to study the production of books by other publishers; and another to understand this case study.
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