Teaching practices in communicative competence that facilitate the inclusion of children in vulnerable situations
Inclusive Practices, Communicative Competence, Teaching PracticesAbstract
Classroom diversity, as a space oriented to the full development of its learners requires various inclusive practices that bridge gaps and favor collaborative and respectful work, thus promoting a democratic and dialogic space. This article seeks to describe the communicative teaching practices that favor inclusion in elementary classrooms in Chile, by identifying their effect on the students from the perspective of teachers. To achieve this objective, a two-phase study was carried out: 123 teachers from different regions of Chile participated in the first phase responding to a quantitative instrument; 21 teachers participated in the second phase through a semi-structured interview. The main findings are related to teaching strategies, not very intentional although systematic, but which comply with the diversity, evaluation and self-evaluation components, and also favored the students’ protagonism in their learning process.
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