Bioconstructed bodies: a citizen engagement exercise to imagine and domesticate the bodies of tomorrow




Bioethics, Citizen Engagement Exercise, Prospective methods, Anthropology of the body, Cyborgs, Transhumanism, Commodification of the body, Organ Trafficking


The following article analyses how a group of undergraduate students imagines the future based on two case studies that focus on the transformation of the human body using biomedical technologies and robotic prosthetics. Prospective qualitative methods were used to design a citizen engagement exercise that encouraged participants to share their expectations and reflect on the ethical problems that could emerge, when these bodies become a reality in Colombia in the year 2034. This paper aims to build bridges between the fields of bioethics, anthropology and the social studies of science and technology, to reflect on the potential impact that the use of medical technology and robotic artifacts would have on the moral values and cultural categories that Colombians will use to interpret the nature of the human body in the future. 


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How to Cite

Diaz-Bustamante, R. (2018). Bioconstructed bodies: a citizen engagement exercise to imagine and domesticate the bodies of tomorrow. Revista CS, (26), 45-73.