Ethical Training as a School’s Cross-Cutting Goal
Ethical training, Moral Judgment, Moral Education, Transversal-Skills EducationAbstract
This article analyzes the results of research carried out to explore how do we approach the solution to moral dilemmas, to understand its repercussions on the understanding of ethical and moral training, and its contributions to education of soft-skills in the education system. Nurtured by research such as ICCS - 2016, this study describes concerns related to the justification of dictatorships, mistrust in state justice, and the lack of sympathy for the failure of others. This inquiry leads us to acknowledge the contributions of moral philosophy, moral psychology, and neuroscience, to learn about the most appropriate way to implement transversal-skills education, as well as ethical and moral training, nevertheless, this time from the emotional and rational point of view. This is an interesting approach given the situation of societies such as Chile, which are currently rethinking the democratic foundations left by the former civic-military dictatorship.
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