Scaffolding — Contributions for Building and Sustaining Life Projects of Young People in a Peripheral Context
Youth, Periphery, Life Projects, ScaffoldingAbstract
The need to choose, define, or plan for future issues is culturally related to youth. Young people from the peripheries move between restrictions and possibilities, and these transitions should be considered part of the process of building their life projects. This work aimed to analyze the factors that contribute to the construction and realization of life projects of young people. A qualitative and ethnographic research was carried out using participant observation, walk-along interviews, and the photovoice method. Six young people between 14 and 16 years of age who were part of a social education project in a peripheral neighborhood in Salvador, Brazil, participated in the study. The data obtained were categorized and discussed based on the cultural psychology of education. The work made it possible to identify elements that operate as scaffolding and offer support for the construction of these young people’s life projects.
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