The development of inclusive voice during participation in a professional learning community




Teacher Identity, Inclusive Voice, Inclusive Education, I-Positions, Communities Learning


Educational quality implies considering diversity and inclusion as a fundamental challenge in the search for equity, justice, and democracy. Likewise, professional identity linked to inclusion is still a controversial and unfinished issue. From the dialogical perspective, this study identifies and conceptualizes to what extent the repertoire of positions of a group of teachers shares or does not share an inclusive voice and how they evolve, identifying characteristics more and less easily modified. We use a descriptive longitudinal design and analyze the development of teaching positions and voices (hybrid and inclusive) over an academic year. The study identifies four most frequent identity positions, among them I as a promoter of positive learning environments that has an ease to transit an inclusive voice; on the contrary, the position I as a planner and designer of teaching and learning processes presents difficulties to be reconstructed as inclusive.


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Author Biographies

  • Carla Meneses-Pinto, Universidad Ramón LLull

    Licenciada en Psicología de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado, magíster en Psicología de la Educación de la Universidad de Barcelona, y especialista en Educación Inclusiva. Asesora de comunidades educativas en temáticas de innovación educativa y de atención a la diversidad e inclusión.

  • Eva Liesa, Universidad Ramón Llull

    Doctora en Psicología. Profesora titular de la Universidad Ramon Llull, coordinadora del Servicio de Asesoramiento e Innovación Psicopedagógica de la FPCEE Blanquerna. Miembro del grupo de investigación SINTE (reconocido por la Generalitat de Catalunya). 


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How to Cite

Meneses-Pinto, C., & Liesa, E. (2024). The development of inclusive voice during participation in a professional learning community. Revista CS, (44), a07.