University teachers’ identity reconfiguration in the pandemic context




Identity, Teachers, Rupture, Transitions, COVID-19, Cultural Psychology


The current study aims to show the identity reconfiguration dynamics in university teachers based on their life experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. Theoretically, an intersection is made between the Semiotic Cultural Psychology perspective and the Dialogical Self Theory approach. Methodologically, an idiographic qualitative study was carried out with three participants—university professors—who show the dynamics of change due to the pandemic through an in-depth interview and a visual technique. Although the three cases show individual experiences, it is noteworthy that they created common meanings around the pandemic and the social outbreak as a fundamental part of their lives. The results led to acknowledge how ruptures and transitions allow us to understand the psychological adjustments between a person and their sociocultural environment


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Author Biographies

  • Etna Ximena Vélez-Guerra, Universidad del Valle

    Psicóloga, magíster en Psicología y profesora de la Universidad del Valle, con amplia experiencia profesional en procesos de calidad para la formación docente y orientación vocacional. Su perspectiva teórica se basa en una aproximación clínica-cultural.

  • Mónica Roncancio-Moreno, Universidad del Valle

    Profesora del Departamento de Estudios Psicosociales de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad del Valle en la línea de psicología clínica-cultural. Sus temas de investigación se centran en perspectivas clínicas y culturales que abordan es estudio del sí mismo, tanto en niños como en adultos, con especial énfasis en temas de salud mental.


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How to Cite

Vélez-Guerra, E. X. ., & Roncancio-Moreno, M. (2024). University teachers’ identity reconfiguration in the pandemic context. Revista CS, (44), a06.